
Trois volumes magnifiquement illustrés comptabilisant 900 pages montrant de superbes mouches pour les eaux chaudes et salées réalisées par le monteur Drew Chicone. Des fiches de montages "step by step" faciles à suivre. 250 $ les 3 volumes ; 100 $ pièce.


Top Saltwater Flies : Bonefish, Tarpon, Permit

This series of 3 books has been released by Wild River Press, publisher of several other modern classics including A Passion for Tarpon by Andy Mill and Creative Fly Tying by Mike Mercer.

The 3 volumes comprise more than 900 eye-popping colour pages with step-by-step photos and easy-to-follow instructions by the internationally recognized author and photographer Drew Chicone, of Fort Myers, Florida. Among the original patterns featured are Chicone’s Coyote Ugly Spawning Shrimp as well as his Tuscan Bunny and Contraband Crab - the latter two, winners of the International Fly Tackle Dealer Best-in-Show Awards for new saltwater patterns.

Top Saltwater Flies is $250 for all three laminated hardcover volumes. Individual volumes are $100. www.wildriverpress.com


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