
Aux Bahamas après le passage de l’ouragan Dorian, les aéroports de Grand Bahama et Abaco restent fermés mais tous les autres aéroports internationaux avec des liaisons directes d’Europe sont opérationnels, de même que les aéroports domestiques avec des vols au départ de Nassau vers les Out Islands. Sur le plan humanitaire, toute personne souhaitant apporter son aide peut consulter le site www.bahamas.com/relief du Ministère du Tourisme

Hurricane Dorian caused much devastation on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama, the most powerful hurricane in the Atlantic since 1935 and an unprecedented event in the history of this magnificent archipelago... Only the airports of Grand Bahama and Abaco remain closed until further notice. All other international airports with direct connections from Europe, United States, Canada, Cuba are operational as well as domestic airports with flights from Nassau. All hotels in 14 non-impacted Bahamas destinations are open. Information at www.bahamas.com/storms Anyone wishing to help the people of the Bahamas can consult the website at www.bahamas.com/relief  Ministry of Tourism. 

-Message from Greg Vincent of the H2O Bonefishing operation in Grand Bahama: “We are all safe from the unprecedented hurricane Dorian. The storm stalled for 40 hours pummelling Grand Bahama. Jason and our staff had to tough it out in some of the most terrible conditions imaginable. We are trying to generate some funds through a go fund me account set up for our staff who have lost varying amounts as to homes and property. Please take note the currency is UK pounds.”


-East End Lodge is located at the east end of Grand Bahama Island. Many staff members and their families have been greatly affected by the destructive forces of Hurricane Dorian. Funds raised will go to benefit the residents of the east end of Grand Bahama island.




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